Thursday, June 19, 2008

new shoes!

I just ordered a bunch of new stuff this past week. I always feel guilty when I buy new clothing for myself. I am not sure when I started to think of new clothes as a luxury and not a necessity. I do need clothing to wear to work, church and the grocery store. I managed to get everything on sale, which is awesome, right? Of all the items I ordered, I am most excited about these new shoes from Kenneth Cole Reaction. They are bronze and are mildly reminiscent of a band-aid with the little perforations and all. According to my husband, I have almost always lacked a good summer wardrobe since we have gotten married. He said he could only remember one summer in 8 years of marriage that I had good things to wear in the summer. It is really my own fault since my weight changes so much so often and I never keep clothing once my size changes. Oh well, I guess a good summer wardrobe is in the mail to me from J.Jill and such places.

On a completely unrelated note, I am considering seeing an acupuncturist. I have such a needle phobia, so I can't imagine actually doing it but I am considering it. I am not by any means into alternative medicine in that I not against traditional medicine at all. Actually, acupuncture has been around for a very long time, I am not sure why it is considered to be "new age." Regardless, I have heard from people that it can help with pain and I am willing to try it.

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